
--- 学会発表一覧 ---

Garcia M, Kline AM, Tsukano H, Graves CM, Dandu PR, Kato HK. Delineating Parallel Ascending Pathways onto the Secondary Auditory Cortex. (Society for Neuroscience (SfN) 2023. Poster. Washington DC, USA. Nov 11-15)

Tsukano H, Garcia M, Dandu PR, Graves CM, Kato HK. Predictive filtering of primary auditory cortex activity by frontal top-down inputs. (Society for Neuroscience (SfN) 2023. Poster. Washington DC, USA. Nov 11-15)

Garcia M, Kline AM, Tsukano H, Graves CM, Dandu PR, Kato HK. Delineating Parallel Ascending Pathways onto the Secondary Auditory Cortex. (Advances and Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience (APAN) 2023. Poster. Washington DC, USA. Nov 10)

Tsukano H, Garcia M, Dandu PR, Graves CM, Kato HK. Predictive filtering of primary auditory cortex activity by frontal top-down inputs. (Advances and Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience (APAN) 2023. Poster. Washington DC, USA. Nov 10)

塚野浩明、マウス大脳皮質聴覚野への並列的聴覚情報入力 (第25回日本ヒト脳機能マッピング学会、シンポジウム「聴覚連合野のマッピング」講演、ウインクあいち、愛知、2023年2月24-25日、Web登壇)

Tsukano H, Kato HK. Experience-dependent gating of primary auditory cortex by frontal top-down inputs. (Society for Neuroscience (SfN) 2022. Poster. San Diego, USA. Nov 12-16)

Kline AM, Garcia M, Tsukano H, Onodera K, Kasten MR, Manis PB, Kato HK. Short-latency non-lemniscal auditory inputs onto deep cortical layers. (Society for Neuroscience (SfN) 2022. Poster. San Diego, USA. Nov 12-16)

Tsukano H, Kato HK. Experience-dependent gating of primary auditory cortex by frontal top-down inputs. (Advances and Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience (APAN). Poster. San Diego, USA. Nov 11)

Kline AM, Garcia M, Tsukano H, Onodera K, Kasten MR, Manis PB, Kato HK. Short-latency non-lemniscal auditory inputs onto deep cortical layers. (Advances and Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience (APAN). Poster. San Diego, USA. Nov 11)

Kline AM, Aponte DA, Tsukano H, Giovannucci A, Kato HK. Inhibitory gating of coincidence-dependent sensory binding in secondary auditory cortex. Society for Neuroscience (SfN) 2021. Virtual poster, USA. Nov 8-11, 2021.

Narayanan DP, Tsukano H, Kline AM, Onodera K, Kato HK. Quantification of spatial variability in auditory cortical areas affecting stereotaxic targeting. Society for Neuroscience (SfN) 2021. Virtual poster, USA. Nov 8-11, 2021. (Co-presenter)

Tsukano H, Narayanan DP, Kline AM, Onodera K, Kato HK. Quantification of spatial variability in auditory cortical areas affecting stereotaxic targeting. Advances and Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience (APAN) 2021. Virtual poster, USA. Nov 8-11, 2021. (Co-presenter)

Kline AM, Aponte DA, Tsukano H, Giovannucci A, Kato HK. Discrete Functional Subnetworks within Secondary Auditory Cortex Integrate Multi-Frequency Sounds with Synchronous Onsets. Advances and Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience (APAN) 2020. Virtual poster, USA.

Aponte DA, Handy G, Kline AM, Tsukano H, Doiron B, Kato HK. Recurrent Network Dynamics Shape Direction Selectivity in Primary Auditory Cortex. Advances and Perspectives in Auditory Neuroscience (APAN) 2020. Virtual poster, USA.

Terashima H, Furukawa S, Tsukano H, Data-driven auditory field mapping for mice using naturalistic sounds.
(Society for Neuroscience 2019. Poster. Chicago, USA)

寺島裕貴、塚野浩明、古川茂人、複雑音と教師なし学習を用いたマウス大脳皮質聴覚野の領野分割(Area segmentation of mouse auditory cortex using complex sounds and unsupervised learning)

Tsukano H. Characterization of the secondary auditory field in the mouse auditory cortex.
(9th FOAPS, 2019. Symposium. Hyogo, Japan)

Tsukano H. Characterization of the secondary auditory field in the mouse auditory cortex.
(9th FOAPS, 2019. Poster. Hyogo, Japan)

Nishio N, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Abe M, Nakai J, Kawamura M, Aiba A, Sakimura K, Shibuki K, Ohki K. Analysis of a novel higher visual area, ECT, in the mouse ventral stream.
(9th FOAPS, 2019. Poster. Hyogo, Japan)

Terashima H, Tsukano H, Furukawa S. Mapping Areal Organization of Mouse Auditory Cortex by Data-driven Decomposition of Responses to Naturalistic Sounds.
(42nd Annual Mid Winter Meeting, Association for Reserach in Otolaryngology. Feb, 2019. Poster. Baltimore, Maryland, USA.)

Furukawa S, Terashima H, Koumura T, Tsukano H. Data-driven approaches for unveiling the neurophysiological functions of the auditory system.
(Seminar on brain, hearing and speech sciences for universal speech communication. Oct 2018. Invited talk. Sendai, Japan)

Tsukano H. Characterization of secondary auditory cortical fields in mice
(The 5th Annual Meeting of the Society for Bioacoustics. Invited Talk. Kumamoto University, Kumamoto, Japan. 2018年12月8-9日)

Tsukano H, Hou X, Horie M, Takebayashi H, Sugiyama S, Shibuki K. Cortico-subcortical monosynaptic excitatory loops that originate and terminate in the auditory cortex.
(Society for Neuroscience 2018. Poster. San Diego, USA.)

Terashima H, Tsukano H, Furukawa S. Unsupervised Area Segmentation of Mouse Auditory Cortex based on Responses to Naturalistic Complex Sounds


Nishio N, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Abe M, Nakai J, Kawamura M, Aiba A, Sakimura K, Shibuki K. Revealing a ventral stream extending to temporal cortex in mice

Inaba H, Namba H, Tsukano H, Shibuki K, Nawa H. Dopamine-dependent disruption of auditory offset responses in a mice model of schizophrenia.

Tsukano H, Ohga S, Horie M, Terashima H, Nishio N, Kubota Y, Takahashi K, Hishida R, Takebayashi H, Shibuki K. Thalamocortical structures that differentiate complexity in functional organizations between primary and secondary auditory cortices in mice.

Yoshitake K, Nishio N, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Yagi T, Shibuki K. Higher functions in the posterior parietal cortex: analysis using a mouse model.


Onishi T, Watanabe T, Sasaki M, Kamiya Y, Kohno T, Horie M, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Takebayashi H, Baba H, Shibuki K. Spinal potentiation after hindpaw ischemia mediated by group II mGluRs and nitric oxide in mice. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 659.19 (Neuroscience 2017. Washington DC. Nov11-15).

Inaba H, Namba H, Tsukano H, Shibuki K, Nawa H. Abnormal auditory OFF responses recorded from the cortex of an EGF-induced schizophrenia rat model.

Tsukano H, Ohga S, Horie M, Terashima H, Takebayashi H, Shibuki K. Tonotopic properties in the secondary auditory field are derived from structural organization of the ventral medial geniculate body and thalamocortical projections in mice.

Hishida R, Horie M, Tsukano H, Tohmi M, Shibuki K. Plastic changes of visual responses in the primary visual cortex are induced selectively by inhibitory projection from posterior parietal cortex in mice.

Ogi M, Yamagishi T, Tsukano H, Nishio N, Hishida R, Horii A, Yagi T, Shibuki K. Complexity of sound stimuli required for sound-shape associative responses in the mouse auditory cortex.

Nishio N, Ogi M, Yamagishi T, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Yagi T, Shibuki K. Optical imaging of temporal cortical areas involved in audiovisual integration in awake mice.

Yoshitake K, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Yagi T, Shibuki K. Analysis of prediction error responses in the posterior parietal cortex of awake mice.

Nawa H, Sotoyama H, Narihara I, Tsukano H, Jodo E, Eifuku S, Namba H. Neuropathologic implication of pallidal hyperactivity in the auditory abnormality of schizophrenia animal models.
(13th World Congress of Biological Psychiatry, Lecture in Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2-6, Jun, 2017)

Onishi T, Watanabe T, Kohno T, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Baba H, Shibuki K. Spinal NO production visualized during hindpaw ischemia and NO-induced spinal potentiation in mice.

Tsukano H, Shibuki K. Frequency organization of the secondary auditory fields reflecting tonotopically-arranged afferents from the primary auditory thalamus.

Ogi M, Yamagishi T, Tsukano H, Kamatani D, Hishida R, Horii A, Yagi T, Shibuki K. Higher cortical functions required for sound-shape associative learning in mice.

Yoshitake K, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Yagi T, Shibuki K. Analysis of prediction error responses in the mouse posterior parietal cortex.

Nana N, Ogi M, Yamagishi T, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Yagi T, Shibuki K. Ventral visual cortex as a candidate for a higher area responsible for shape recognition in mice.

Tsukano H, Shibuki K. Functional properties in the secondary auditory field are derived from structural organization of primary auditory thalamus and thalamocortical projections in mice. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 236.12 (Neuroscience 2016. San Diego, USA. Nov11-16).

Shibuki K, Yamagishi T, Kamatani D, Yoshitake K, Tsukano H, Watanabe K, Hishida R, Takahashi K, Takahashi S, Horii A, Yagi T. Functional footprints of impaired consciousness in mice with reduced molecular diversity of clustered protocadherin-α. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 642.01 (Neuroscience 2016. San Diego, USA. Nov11-16).

Yoshitake K, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Yagi T, Shibuki K. Prediction error responses in the mouse posterior parietal cortex are dependent on molecular diversity of clustered protocadherin α. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 620.03 (Neuroscience 2016. San Diego, USA. Nov11-16).

Tsukano H. Chairperson. Oral session “Audition”.

Onishi T, Watanabe T, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Kohno T, Baba H, Shibuki K. Visualized spinal NO production after ischemic treatment applied to the hindpaw and NO-induced spinal potentiation in mice.

Tsukano H, Shibuki K. Formation of voice-dependent associative memory circuits in primary auditory cortex in mice.

Hishida R, Horie M, Tsukano H, Tohmi M, Shibuki K. Inhibition derived from parietal association area regulates the neural properties of the primary visual cortex in mice.

Ogi M, Yamagishi T, Tsukano H, Kamatani D, Hishida R, Horii A, Yagi T, Shibuki K. Higher cortical functions required for sound-shape associative learning in mice.

Yoshitake K, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Yagi T, Shibuki K. Impaired prediction error responses in the posterior parietal cortex of mice with reduced diversity of protocadherin-α.

Nawa H, Sotoyama H, Tsukano H, Shibuki K, Namba H. Hyperdopaminergic activity and abnormal auditory processing in a cytokine-induced schizophrenia model.

Tsukano H, Shibuki K. Voice dependent formation of associative memory circuit in mouse primary auditory cortex.

Onishi T, Watanabe T, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Kohno T, Baba H, Shibuki K. Bilateral spinal potentiation induced by NO after hemilateral and transient ischemia applied to the mouse hindpaw.

Nawa H, Tsukano H, Shibuki K, Kakita A, Sotoyama H, Namba H. Neuroinflammatory features of the cytokine-induced animal model for schizophrenia; implication of the regional specificity.

Tsukano H, Hishida R, Shibuki K. Newly identified region in the auditory cortex responding to ultrasonic male songs in mice.

Onishi T, Watanabe T, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Kohno T, Baba H, Shibuki K. Spinal potentiation contralateral to the ischemic treatment applied to the hindpaw is mediated by nitric oxide.

Yoshitake K, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Yagi T, Shibuki K. Prediction error responses in the mouse posterior parietal cortex are produced by experience.

Hishida R, Horie M, Tsukano H, Tohmi M, Shibuki K. Two-photon imaging analysis of inhibitory projections from the parietal association area to the primary visual cortex in mice.

Tsukano H, Shibuki K. Re-definition of the primary auditory cortex by separating a newly identified region and their functional specialization in mice

Ohnishi T, Watanabe T, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Kohno T, Baba H, Shibuki K. Ischemia-induced potentiation of cortical responses to hindpaw stimulation is partly mediated by nitric oxide at the spinal cord level

Ohga S, Tsukano H, Shibuki K. The secondary auditory cortex receives topological projections from the ventral division of the medial geniculate body in mice

Yoshitake K, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Yagi T, Shibuki K. Prediction error responses in the mouse posterior parietal cortex are dependent on protocadherin- α diversity

Yamagishi T, Tsukano H, Kamatani D, Hishida R, Yamamoto Y, Yagi T, Shibuki K. Higher visual cortices responsible for shape recognition in mice

Meguro R, Hishida R, Tsukano H, Yoshitake K, Kitsukawa T, Hirabayashi K, Takebayashi H, Yagi T, Shibuki K. Postnatal developmental observations of abnormal retinal terminal aggregation in the cPcdh- α KO mice

Maniwa K, Yamashita H, Tsukano H, Hishida R, Endo N, Shibata M, Shibuki K. Somatosensory Cortical Responses after Crossing Nerve Transfer in Mice

Tatsuya Yamagishi, Hiroaki Tsukano, Daiki Kamatani, Ryuichi Hishida, Sugata Takahashi, Katsuei Shibuki Transcranial imaging of cortical activities after sound-shape association in mice

Ryuichi Hishida, Masao Horie, Hiroaki Tsukano, Manavu Tohmi, Katsuei Shibuki Inhibitory controls from the parietal association area to the primary visual cortex in mice

Hiroaki Tsukano, Masao Horie, Ryuichi Hishida, Katsuei Shibuki Dorsal high frequency area of the primary auditory cortex responding to ultrasonic male songs in mice

Kohei Yoshitake, Hiroaki Tsukano, Manabu Tohmi, Ryuichi Hishida, Takeshi Yagi, Katsuei Shibuki Impaired multisensory responses in the posterior parietal cortex of mice with a reduced cluster number of protocadherin-α

Manavu Tohmi, Reiko Meguro, Hiroaki Tsukano, Ryuichi Hishida, Masao Norita, Katsuei Shibuki Roles of the extrageniculate pathway in properties of higher visual cortices of mice

Keiichi Maniwa, Haruyoshi Yamashita, Hiroaki Tsukano, Ryuichi Hishida, Minoru Shibata, Naoto Endo, Katsuei Shibuki Direct and indirect somatosensory cortical responses after crossing nerve transfer in mice

Yoshitake Kohei, Tsukano Hiroaki, Tohmi Manavu, Hishida Ryuichi, Yagi Takeshi, Shibuki Katsuei Whisker-guided visual map shifts and formation of ocular dominance column-like structures in mice
(第91回日本生理学会 ポスター発表、鹿児島大学 鹿児島、2014年3月16-18日)

Hiroaki Tsukano, Ryuichi Hishida, Katsuei Shibuki Properties as associative memory circuits in the primary auditory cortex of mice
(第91回日本生理学会 ポスター発表、鹿児島大学 鹿児島、2014年3月16-18日)

Watanabe Tatsunori, Komagata Seiji, Tsukano Hiroaki, Hishida Ryuichi, Kohno Tatsuro, Baba Hiroshi, Shibuki Katsuei Spinal cord imaging during post-ischemic numbness in mice
(第91回日本生理学会 ポスター発表、鹿児島大学 鹿児島、2014年3月16-18日)

Maniwa Keiichi, Yamashita Haruyoshi, Tsukano Hiroaki, Hishida Ryuichi, Shibata Minoru, Endo Naoto, Shibuki Katsuei Somatosensory cortical responses after crossing nerve transfer in mice
(第91回日本生理学会 ポスター発表、鹿児島大学 鹿児島、2014年3月16-18日)

Yamagishi Tatsuya, Tsukano Hiroaki, Baba Hironori, Honma Yusuke, Ohsima Shinsuke, Kubota Yamato, Takahashi Kuniyuki, Takahashi Sugata, Shibuki Katsuei Sound-shape association memory tested using a M-maze in mice
(第91回日本生理学会 ポスター発表、鹿児島大学 鹿児島、2014年3月16-18日)

渡部 達範、駒形 成司、塚野 浩明、菱田 竜一、河野 達郎、馬場 洋、澁木 克栄 フラビン蛋白蛍光イメージング法を用いた一過性虚血後のしびれの脊髄機構の解析
(第6回日本運動器疼痛学会 ポスター発表、神戸国際会議場 神戸、2013年12月7-8日)

Katsuei Shibuki, Hiroaki Tsukano, Seiji Komagata, Ryuichi Hishida Optical imaging of deep brain activity in mice.
(第36回日本神経科学学会 口頭発表、国立京都会議場 京都、2013年6月20-23日)

Hiroaki Tsukano, Ryuichi Hishida, Katsuei Shibuki Harmonic sound processing in mouse primary auditory cortex revealed by in vivo two-photon calcium imaging.
(第36回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、国立京都会議場 京都、2013年6月20-23日)

Kohei Yoshitake, Hiroaki Tsukano, Manavu Tohmi, Ryuichi Hishida, Takeshi Yagi, Katsuei Shibuki Multiplicity of protocadherins required for cross-modal plasticity in the primary visual cortex of mice.
(第36回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、国立京都会議場 京都、2013年6月20-23日)

Ryuichi Hishida, Masao Horie, Hiroaki Tsukano, Manavu Tohmi, Hirohide Takebayashi, Katsuei Shibuki Reduced visual acuity after blockade of feedback inhibitory projections from the parietal association area to the primary visual cortex in mice.
(第36回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、国立京都会議場 京都、2013年6月20-23日)

Tatsunori Watanabe, Seiji Komagata, Hiroaki Tsukano, Ryuichi Hishida, Tatsuro Kohno, Hiroshi Baba, Katsuei Shibuki Spinal mechanisms underlying post-ischemic numbness.
(第36回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、国立京都会議場 京都、2013年6月20-23日)

Hiroaki Tsukano, Masao Horie, Ryuichi Hishida, Katsuei Shibuki New subarea in the rostrodorsal part of the primary auditory cortex in mice.
(第90回日本生理学会大会 ポスター発表、タワーホール船堀 東京、2013年3月27-29日)

Hiroaki Tsukano, Ryuichi Hishida, Katsuei Shibuki Two-photon calcium imaging of harmonic sound responses in mouse primary auditory cortex.
(第35回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、名古屋国際会議場 名古屋、2012年9月18-21日)

Hironori Baba, Hiroaki Tsukano, Yusuke Honma, Shinsuke Ohshima, Yamato Kubota, Ryuichi Hishida, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Sugata Takahashi, Katsuei Shibuki Biphasic ON-OFF responses in the mouse auditory cortex appeared after exposure to sustained tone bursts.
(第35回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、名古屋国際会議場 名古屋、2012年9月18-21日)

Masao Horie, Hiroaki Tsukano, Hirohide Takebayashi, Katsuei Shibuki. Anatomical and physiological parcellation of mouse auditory cortex using flavoprotein fluorescence imaging and immunohistochemistry for nonphosphorylated neurofilament protein.
(第35回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、名古屋国際会議場 名古屋、2012年9月18-21日)

Tatsunori Watanabe, Seiji Komagata, Hiroaki Tsukano, Ryuichi Hishida, Tatsuro Kohno, Hirhoshi Baba, Katsuei Shibuki Spinal mechanism underlying post-ischemic numbness: potentiation of Somatosensory cortical responses after transient ischemia in mice.
(第35回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、名古屋国際会議場 名古屋、2012年9月18-21日)

Katsuei Shibuki, Hiroaki Tsukano, Seiji Komagata, Kenji Watanabe, Ryuichi Hishida Macro-confocal imaging of mouse brain activity
(第35回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、名古屋国際会議場 名古屋、2012年9月18-21日)

Reiko Meguro, Manavu Tohmi, Hiroaki Tsukano, Takahiro Hirabayashi, Hirohide Takebayashi, Takeshi Yagi, Katsuei Shibuki Abnormal appearance of retinal terminals in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus of the protocadherin a-deficient mice.
(第35回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、名古屋国際会議場 名古屋、2012年9月18-21日)

Manavu Tohmi, Reiko Meguro, Hiroaki Tsukano, Ryuichi Hishida, Katsuei Shibuki Preferred speeds of higher visual areas determined by extragenuculate visual pathways.
(第35回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、名古屋国際会議場 名古屋、2012年9月18-21日)

Ryuichi Hishida, Masao Horie, Hiroaki Tsukano, Manavu Tohmi, Hirohide Takebayashi, Katsuei Shibuki Functional analysis of inhibition mediated by feedback projections from higher association areas to the primary visual cortex in mice.
(第35回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、名古屋国際会議場 名古屋、2012年9月18-21日)

Hironori Baba, Hiroaki Tsukano, Yusuke Honma, Shinsuke Ohshima, Yamato Kubota, Ryuichi Hishida, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Sugata Takahashi, Katsuei Shibuki ON and OFF responses in the mouse auditory cortex after exposure to long-lasting tone bursts.
(第89回日本生理学会 ポスター発表、松本文化会館 松本、2012年3月28-31日)

Hiroaki Tsukano, Takuji Iwasato, Takeshi Yagi, Ryuichi Hishida, Katsuei Shibuki Primary auditory cortex stores and recalls combined sound patterns in mice.
(第89回日本生理学会 ポスター発表、松本文化会館 松本、2012年3月28-31日)

Tatsunori Watanabe, Seiji Komagata, Hiroaki Tsukano, Ryuichi Hishida, Tatsuro Kohno, Hirhoshi Baba, Katsuei Shibuki Somatosensory cortical responses to vibratory stimuli applied to the hindpaw that experienced transient ischemia in mice.
(第89回日本生理学会 ポスター発表、松本文化会館 松本、2012年3月28-31日)

Hiroaki Tsukano, Ryuichi Hishida, Katsuei Shibuki. Neuronal responses to harmonic sounds visualized using two-photon microscopy in the mouse auditory cortex.
(第34回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、パシフィコ横浜 横浜、2011年14-17日)

Yuusuke Honma, Hiroaki Tsukano, Shinsuke Ohshima, Manavu Tohmi, Yamato Kubota, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Ryuichi Hishida, Sugata Takahashi, Katsuei Shibuki. Differential imaging of FM sounds-selective areas in the mouse auditory cortex
(第33回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、神戸コンベンションセンター 神戸、2010年9月2-4日)

Hiroaki Tsukano, Kentaro Nagami, Manavu Tohmi, Ryuichi Hishida and Katsuei Shibuki. Variance of visual cortical responses in awake mice is eliminated by a lesion in the frontal association cortex.
(第32回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、名古屋国際会議場 名古屋、2009年9月16-18日)

Hiroaki Tsukano, Yamato Kubota, Takuji Iwasato, Shigeyoshi Itohara, Takeshi Yagi, Seiji Komagata, Ryuichi Hishida, Katsuei Shibuki. (2009) Experience-dependent formation of cortical circuits for detecting harmonic sounds in mice. IUPS 2009 P4AM-16-2 (The 36th Congress of the International Union of Physiological Sciences. Kyoto, Japan. Jly27-Aug1)

Hiroaki Tsukano, Yamato Kubota, Seiji Komagata, Ryuichi Hishida, Masaharu Kudoh, Katsuei Shibuki. (2008) Experience-dependent formation of cortical responses to “missing” fundamentals during presentation of harmonic sounds in the mouse auditory cortex. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 851.2 (Neuroscience2008. Washington DC, USA. Nov15-19)

Shinsuke Ohshima, Hiroaki Tsukano, Yamato Kubota, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Ryuichi Hishida, Sugata Takahashi, Katsuei Shibuki. (2008) Transcranial flavoprotein fluorescence imaging of cortical depression in the mouse auditory cortex after sound discrimination learning. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts 68.2 (Neuroscience2008. Washington DC, USA. Nov15-19)

Shinsuke Ohshima, Hiroaki Tsukano, Yamato Kubota, Ryuichi Hishida, Kuniyuki Takahashi, Katsuei Shibuki. Transcranial fluorescence imaging of cortical auditory activities after sound discrimination learning in mice.
(第31回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、東京国際フォーラム 東京、2008年7月9-11日)

Hiroaki Tsukano, Yamato Kubota, Manavu Tohmi, Masaharu Kudoh and Katsuei Shibuki Cortical responses to missing fundamentals visualized with flavoprotein fluorescence imaging in the mouse primary auditory cortex.
(第29回日本神経科学学会 ポスター発表、国立京都国際会館 京都、2006年7月19-21日)

--- その他 ---


Tsukano H, Shibuki K. Characterization of the secondary field in the mouse auditory cortex.


(新学術領域研究 多元質感知、第6回領域班会議、ポスター、北海道大学、2018年6月27-29日)



Tsukano H, Ohga S, Horie M, Hou X, Terashima H, Kitaura H, Sugiyama S, Kakita A, Takebayashi H, Shibuki K. Characterization of higher order fields in the mouse auditory cortex.
(第8回共同研究拠点国際シンポジウムThe innovative progress of neuroscientific research through the use of advanced animal models、ポスター発表、新潟大学脳研究所、新潟、2018年2月10-11日)

(脳と心のメカニズム Mechanism of Brain and Mind、ポスター発表、ルスツリゾート、北海道、2018年1月9-11日)

Tsukano H, Hishida R, Shibuki K. Newly identified region in the auditory cortex responding to ultrasonic male songs in mice.
(第6回共同研究拠点国際シンポジウムNeural mechanisms of brain functions that require awareness、ポスター発表、新潟大学脳研究所、新潟、2015年7月25-27日)

鎌谷大樹、山岸達也、渡邉健児、塚野浩明、八木健、澁木克栄、 マウス視覚記憶:所見文字20秒保持
(Crest領域会議 ポスター発表、ベルサール神保町 東京、2014年3月2-3日)

吉武講平、渡邉健児、塚野浩明、八木健、澁木克栄、 プロトカドヘリンの多様性が減少したマウスの高次脳機能異常
(Crest「脳神経回路の形成・動作原理の解明と制御技術の創出」班会議 ポスター発表、ベルサール神保町、東京、2013年3月1日)

塚野浩明、澁木克栄、 マウス聴覚野機能のシームレスイメージング
(新学術領域研究 「メゾスコピック神経回路から探る脳の情報処理基盤」第2回領域班会議 ポスター発表、KKR熱海、熱海、2012年11月07-08日)

塚野浩明、窪田和、鎌谷大樹、駒形成司、任海学、工藤雅治、澁木克栄、 フラビン蛋白蛍光イメージングで可視化されたマウス大脳皮質一次聴覚野におけるmissing fundamental応答
(文部科学省特定研究領域 統合脳5領域 「平成20年度「統合脳」夏のワークショップ」 ポスター発表、北海道厚生年金会館 札幌、2006年8月7-10日)

塚野浩明、窪田和、鎌谷大樹、任海学、工藤雅治、澁木克栄、 フラビン蛋白蛍光イメージングで可視化された一次聴覚野のmissing fundamental応答
(第36回新潟神経学夏期セミナー ポスター発表、新潟大学 新潟、2006年7月28-30日)

Hiroaki Tsukano, Yamato Kubota, Manavu Tohmi, Masaharu Kudoh and Katsuei Shibuki, Flavoprotein fluorescence responses to missing fundamentals in the mouse primary auditory cortex.
(第10回聴覚研究フォーラム ポスター発表、同志社大学 滋賀、2005年12月3-4日)